Young Living Convention Farm Day

Young Living Convention in Utah includes a trip to Young Living Family Farm

One really good reason to go to Young Living Convention is Farm Day. Bus loads of distributors are taken out to spend the day at Young Living Farm in Mona Utah. If you have never been to Young Living Farms, this is a real treat. Not only do you get to see one of the awesome farms where they grow plants for distillation, you also get to see the distilling process.

What other network marketing company do you know of that farms its own plants and distills its own oils. I know of none other. Not only do they do all of these things for us, they also encourage distributors to come out to the farm and check it out for themselves.

Once you visit the farm, walk through the fields, walk through the ZOO where natural fertilizer is produced and watch the distilling of essential oils, It is impossible not to add to the passion behind the products you share. Once you have visited Young Living Farms, it is impossible not to be passionate about your business. No other MLM company has what we have at Young Living.

If you haven't been to Young Living Farms yet, join us this year at YL Convention Farm Day.

Click pictures below for close up view: