In 1999 Young Living Training Tapes 11, 12 & 13 were on “Building Business with Conscious Languaging” by Marcella vonn Harting & Robert Tennyson Stevens. The series focused on the power of the words we use very day. We used to get a training tape with every order. Kind of miss those.

What I really appreciated about the Conscious Language tapes is that they helped me to STOP sabotaging my efforts by making statements that undo the positive efforts I make.

Some Examples:
Do you find yourself saying things like:

    “I can’t afford that.”
    “I don’t have the money for ___”
    “I just can’t seem to make ends meet.”
    “I never have enough money.”
    “hard-earned money”

One thing I had to stop saying was, “I can’t afford it.” Words are powerful. A better way to say that is, “I don’t choose to spend money on that right now.”

I used to get really angry and depressed if I didn’t have enough money for everything I needed. Now, whenever I pay a bill or spend some money, I say “Money is constantly circulating in my life. I release it with joy and it returns to me multiplied many times over.”

My sister heard a woman who was paying for something say, “I have this amazing purse. No matter how much money I spend, there is always more money in it.” Now THAT is the way to have a better energy about spending money.

I used to get really tense about money back in the days when money was tight. Paying bills was an especially anxious time. Listen to Michael Losier Law of Attraction audios to help understand why the words you use and the emotion you feel when speaking them are so important.

I have noticed that when I was the most stressed about money, I had the worst success with business.

If I catch myself saying something negative, I do as the “Conscious Language” tapes suggest. “Cancel – Clear” or Delete” Then say something that is positive to neutralize the negative statement I just said.

I have heard people make statements like: It’s so slow building a business. I can’t get anyone interested in the oils. I send out all these packets and no one signs up.

Instead say things like: My business grows quickly. Everywhere I go people want to know about the oils. People are blessed and motivated by the information I share.

Don’t say things that are opposite of what you want in your business and in your life. Set your intent as to what you want in your business, then focus on that. Or, as Michael Losier says, “Ask yourself: What DO I want?”

In Michael Losier’s Law of Attraction training he teaches that you first must decide what you don’t want.

On a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle. On the left side, write “What I don’t want:” Write everything you can think of that you DON’T want for your business. When you have completed the list of what you don’t want, go to the top of the list and draw a line through the first thing on the list of what you DON’T want. Then, on the right side of the paper, write what you DO want. Do this for each thing on the list. Crossing out what you don’t want and replace it with what you DO want. Do this for your Young Living business.

What I DON’T want What I DO want
It’s hard to find people to sign up in my business To easily attract people
I keep getting team members who don’t stay in the business Team members who love the product and eagerly grow their businesses
I have so much doubt about being successful My confidence grows every day
My business grows slowly My business grows very fast
I keep getting rejected when I try to tell others about my business I’m attracting people who want to know more about my business and join me
I’m not making the money I want. I’m broke and desperate for more money My income increases steadily. I have a surplus and abundance of money

Focus on the words in the, What I DO Want side. Speak and think on those words. If you catch yourself saying or thinking negative thoughts, say or think something positive.

Here’s an idea: Put Abundance oil on everything you mail or pass out. I put Abundance oil on before I touch anything I put in an info packet. As you are getting the packet together, You are raising your abundance energy and making positive energy that will ride along in the packet. 🙂
Set your intent: What I DO want:
“People are blessed and motivated by the information I share.”

One of the first distributors I sponsored used to repeatedly tell me that she lived in Minnesota where everyone is conservative and NO ONE is interested in alternative health. Really? NO ONE?? She never had success with Young Living and so she quit and has jumped from company to company, never giving anything time to build. I had even moved new members under her. (To structure my organization for qualifying) If she hadn’t quit, she would have had 89 distributors in her group. The average order in that leg this month is $291. I have known her for years and I know she has never built a large organization with any company.

I tried to tell her about the Conscious Language tapes. She was sure it wouldn’t work. She claimed to be an expert with network marketing and even co-published a MLM magazine called “Small Potatoes.” That name says it all.

Hey! As I have been writing this blog post, I am listening to my Happy playlist on Spotify. It just started over. The first song is placed with intent: I’m Good by the Mowgli’s! “I’m Good, I’m Good, I’m Good! Living life just like I should. I’m Good, I’m Good, I’m Good!”
I have songs that are strong and uplifting, also motivating. I have put the embed code here so you can use it anytime you need a lift. Put on some happy oils and listen to music. 😉

Happy Playlist on Spotify
