Your thoughts and words are energy. Every person, plant, animal, rock, tree, every physical thing sends out energy. We are all radiating either a positive or negative energy. Positive energy attracts, Negative energy repels.


Did you know one positive word can change water’s structure? There is proof. A Japanese scientist named Masaru Emoto made a series of tests. Emoto realized both positive and negative words can have an influence on water’s structure by changing water’s crystals. During his study of water, Emoto came to some fascinating revelations. He came to a belief that water was the so-called ‘’blueprint of our reality’’ and our emotional energy and vibrations can change the physical structure of water.


Positive words created nicely shaped crystals, while negative words created ugly, disease-like crystals making water appear dirty and sick. Remember, our bodies are made up of a large percentage of water.

Here is an example of the power of words on water crystals:
Power of Words - Abundance Affirmation Tapping


Remember the saying “Sending off good vibes?” You actually do. Good or bad. Or how about, have you ever been in a good mood and someone with a bad mood entered the room? Have you noticed your own energy dropping? Even when no words are spoken, you can feel the drop in your energy.


Gary has done experiments with this. One test was with 2 women praising each other next to some Melissa plants, then harvesting and distilling the plants in the area. They did another test in another section of Melissa plants where 2 women were arguing and swearing at each other beside the plants. They harvested and distilled the plants. What they found is that the Melissa plants that were harvested and distilled with 2 women praising each other produced much more oil than the batch with 2 women arguing and swearing. That is why Young Living field workers are not allowed to go in the field if they are angry or use foul language.


Now, stop and think about your Young Living Business. If water and plants can be affected by our words and emotions, can you see how important it is to approach our business tasks every day with a powerful positive energy?


Knowing how powerful our thoughts and words are, you can see why it is a good idea to repeat affirmations. We attract what we are speaking and thinking about on a regular basis. When enough of these thoughts come together, the vibrations become heavier. Like energies (thoughts) attract to each other. This is called the law of attraction. Like attracts Like.


Remember this also works not only for the good thoughts but for bad thoughts, such as fear or lack. So, if you intend on attracting an abundantly growing Young Living business, you want to focus on what that looks like for you. You will attract what you think about.


Affirmations are a good way to help refocus your thoughts and intentions but affirmations Tapping is even more powerful. Take any affirmation you choose and tap through the EFT points while you are speaking or thinking. Add one of Young Living’s essential oils to your fingertips before tapping and you add even more power to your affirmation tapping sessions. Young Living has several blends for emotions which are amazing for EFT tapping. Abundance oil blend is one example.


Young Living Abundance Oil for Affirmation Tapping



Click here for more on Law of Attraction and EFT for Network Marketers



I have been making some Mind Movies lately the Ultimate Success Masterclass training I am taking. Mind Movies are a kind of visualization tool to help you make better progress towards your goals. Presently I am working toward Platinum Level in Young Living so I made one to help energize me toward that goal.

As I was working on my Mind Movie I started thinking it would be a nice idea to make one for Young Living distributors who are wanting to increase their business and work towards Silver Level. The Mind Movie I created for you is below but you can go to and create your own movies that fit your specific goals.

Watch the video twice a day, morning and evening. I like to tap the EFT points as I watch. EFT enhances affirmations and the visualization process. I always put a couple drops of Abundance oil on my fingertips before I start tapping. See EFT Points chart under the video.

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For more on EFT read the article,
“What is EFT and How Can It Help Your Network Marketing Business”

