Distributors often look at successful people with Young Living and they see the results they have had and they start comparing their own results or lack of results. Sometimes they assume that the successful people had some magic system or they had a huge marketing budget or they just lucked out and sponsored workers in their downline. Some even put it up to having the right upline.

When you are looking at the successful distributors in Young Living, you need to look at their habits. It’s their daily habits that are the reason they are successful in Young Living.

What are the habits of successful Young Living Distributors?

  • They know they are the CEO of their own business. They know success is up to them. They go by the philosophy, “If it is to be, it’s up to ME.
  • They focus on their WHY. Why they want a successful business.
  • They are prospecting to 10-20 people a day rather than one or 2 a month.
  • They check their email and respond quickly to emails or phone calls.
  • They follow up on interest.
  • They know the importance of DAILY personal development: reading books, newsletters, audios.
  • They attend Young Living Events in their local area or state.
  • They attend Grand Convention.
  • They listen to conference calls and replays of calls when they can’t be on the live call.
  • They are paying attention to company news: Upline newsletters, company newsletters, conference calls, Facebook Groups, etc.
  • They set goals and work toward them.
  • They don’t wait until they know each and every step before they take even one. They just get started.
  • They focus on abundance instead of lack.

Here is a poem I have loved for several years:

I Can Make You Great or I Can Make You A Failure

WHO am I?

Let me give you some clues. Exactly WHO IS ME?

I am your constant companion.

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.

I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.

I am completely at your command.

Half of the things you do you might as well turn
over to me and I will do them – quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed – you must be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done
and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of great people, and alas, of all failures as well.


Those who are great, I have made great.

Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine though, however . . .

I work with the precision of a machine
plus the intelligence of a person.

You may run me for profit or run me for ruin –
it makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and
I will place the world at your feet.

Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?


January is always an exciting month. It’s a new year and lots of people have set resolutions to increase income and make other changes in their life. It is a great time to turn things up a notch or two in your business. Set your goals and move forward to success. I love the statement one of my mentors often said, “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.” Make adjustments as you are going. It’s like moving a car. You have to be moving before you can make a turn.

Have a very successful Year!


Lately I have the music from the new Lego Movie rolling around in my head. You have probably been hearing it a lot too. “Everything is Awesome.”

I decided to do a search to see what the words to the song are. The music makes me happy and feel like dancing. When I searched I found a YouTube video so I could hear the words to the full song. The words are very good and just the type of music I like to listen to when I need a motivating mood uplift.

Here are a few words from the song:

feeling-amazingEverything is awesome
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team
Everything is awesome
When we’re living our dream

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side
You and I
Gonna win forever
Let’s party forever

Even when negative things happen:

Have you heard the news everyone’s talking
Life is good ’cause everything’s awesome
Lost my job, there’s a new opportunity
More free time for my awesome community
I feel more awesome than an awesome possum
Dip my body in chocolate frosting
Three years later wash off the frosting
Smelling like a blossom, Everything is awesome
Stepped in mud, got new brown shoes
It’s awesome to win and it’s awesome to lose

Your attitude affects the energy you are radiating when you talk to people and how they react to what you are saying. People will be more inclined to listen to a person who is radiating a happy attracting energy rather than one that is negative.

Your attitude affects your abundance. It affects your motivation. It affects how you work in your business. It affects everything!

Think about the way you greet people. A while back I wrote the article: How Do You Respond When Asked “How Are You?” I have heard all kinds of negative responses varying from “I’m fine” to “Not so good” or even much worse.

I used to say similar negative responses until I realized how powerful our words and feelings are and how much those things affect our success. Now I say something that will be uplifting to the other person but also to me. The words we use either bring us up or down. Every time we say something negative or complain about something, we are reenforcing that negative feeling in us. Even saying “I am fine” is one I like to avoid. I would rather say, “I am awesome.” Or something similar. Try it. Those words lift you up. Saying “I am fine” is sort of neutral. It does nothing to improve things. People say they are fine when they really aren’t feeling fine. Try saying “I am awesome” when you are in a group where you might get asked that question several times. I always find my mood lifting each time I say it.

Your attitude is very important to the amount of success you will have in your Young Living business. The words you use. The way you react to little set backs. The failures and little set backs are learning experiences. In my 17 years with Young Living I have see so many distributors give up because of setbacks, not knowing how to build their business and various other things that boil down to attitude. The only failure is giving up.

Don’t give up!

We are all different in our marketing styles. There are all kinds of ways to succeed in this business, even for people who don’t feel like sales people. Try different things until you find the marketing that fits your style.

I am reminded of Thomas Edison’s famous quote: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Listen to the music, Everything is Awesome” on YouTube.

Don’t give up!
