Young Living Business Building Goals and Resolutions
WOW! Here we are again. Another year has passed by. It seems like the years are going by faster and faster. I know that is not true. A year is the same number of days as always. I guess it just feels like it is going by faster as we are getting older.

I have always loved this time of year because this is the time of year that people set new goals for the upcoming year. I have never been one for New Year’s Resolutions. People usually don’t take those seriously, however, I am a firm believer in setting goals and making action plans to achieve those goals.

Every year it is a good plan to look back at the previous year and think about different things that have happened up to this point. Reflecting on both the good things that happened and things that weren’t so good. Don’t spend much time on the things that weren’t so good but just enough time to take note of anything that you learned or ways you could get a better outcome.

Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil

Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil

Not only is it important to be regularly analyzing things and improving as we go, it is also important to express Gratitude and celebrate the successes of the previous year.

One thing I am grateful for and I celebrate almost daily is the ability to work from home. If you are supplementing your family’s income or working full time from home, celebrate. It is such a blessing. Start there. Celebrate the power you have to generate whatever amount of income you want, either on the side or fulltime.

Celebrating is really important because it sets a success energy that attracts more good things. I recommend you use Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil Blend while you are doing this. Gratitude oil has a very abundance attracting energy. It also smells WONDERFUL and is very uplifting.

Three Reasons to Reflect on and Celebrate Success:

1. We train our subconscious to be aware and open to success and abundance.
2. We give our subconscious and conscious mind PROOF of our success and progress.
3. It builds self-esteem, confidence and belief in our abilities.

Some things to include in your reflection:

Any successes large and small. Even the things you consider small. Some of these small successes are stepping stones to larger successes.

New things you learned – This is a huge one that people often forget to include. Reflect on all the training you have taken, books you have read, videos & audios and live events you have attended, anything that has been good for growth in your personal development or business skills. Really celebrate this one knowing that training and personal development is the biggest success secret of network marketing professionals who earn full time income.

Don’t forget the things you learned by trial and error. Like when you began learning to write a blog or make a video.

There are lots of things you can add to your list. I recommend writing down your reflections. If you have been following my training for any length of time, you should have this done from previous years and have saved them. If so, take out some of your past years reflections and look at the progress over the years. This is really fun.

Reflecting on the progress you have made builds confidence. When I look back on the early days, when I was afraid to step into the leadership role, I am amazed at how far I have come. Network Marketing is the best business for personal growth and with Young Living we have awesome essential oils that enhance progress in so many ways.

After you have finished reflecting on the previous year, you can make a plan of action for the upcoming year. What will you do to increase your business? How will you improve on your marketing skills and what will you do to implement. Think about where you want to be at the end of this year. Write that down. Then make a list of all the things you plan to do to get there.

Writing all of this down is very important. It helps you have a direction for the year. Keep a copy of both the reflecting of the previous year and the plan for next year. It is really empowering to look back at the things you have accomplished in the past and how far you have come, especially when you have the notes for several years. You can see your growth over the years which is such a confidence booster.

It is also good to reflect on your WHY. Why you are building this business.

Click image to make it larger.

For more, read “How Strong is Your Why?

Take Action. If you don’t take action, NOTHING will happen. Actually you need to take appropriate action. Some people fiddle with this and that doing “business tasks” and are not really doing action that amounts to making progress.


Every morning ask yourself, “What can I do today to MOVE my business forward toward the success of my goals for my Young Living business?” What can I do today to get more people to ask me about essential oils?


Spring and summer seasons are rolling around again. This is a busy time. Gardening, vacations, conventions and lots of outdoor activities with the family. So many things to keep us busy. It is easy to go into summer mode and forget about growing your Young Living Business.

You want to keep the momentum going and keep your business growing. You MUST set your priorities and keep growing. Growing your mindset, belief,

Successful distributors are always aware of the opportunities around them every day, everywhere. We don’t grow our business in spurts, working for a little while, then neglecting our business for days or weeks. There are plenty of ways to keep growing even while you are having fun.

Remember, Young Living is about living a healthy lifestyle free of harmful chemicals. We don’t turn that on and off during the busy times of the year. When you are living your oily lifestyle in front of people, it opens all kinds of doors for talking about oils. We talk about the things we love.

Here are 8 easy ways to keep your Young Living Business growing through the summer months.

1. Always wear oils and carry some oils with you. Just wearing oils will often cause people to ask questions. Wear your oils. You will smell wonderful when you walk in and people will notice. Many will ask, “What smells so good?” That’s your open door to step through and make an brief comment. Not a sales pitch. Just a comment, “Oh that’s my Stress Away oil. I wear that one on those crazy days.

Use oils in front of people. Make up some Stressed Mama roller bottles to share with other moms when you are getting together play groups.

2. Diffuse those oils when family or friends come over for dinner or a summer barbecue! Your house will smell great and people will notice. Set your diffuser out where people can see it. It is a conversation opener. “That’s my essential oil diffuser. I love diffusing essential oils to freshen the air and uplift the mood. Plus, diffusing is much healthier than the harmful chemicals in candles and room fresheners.”

3. Have oils on display everywhere. Displaying the oils is one of the best ways to start conversations with friends and family. Don’t have them hidden away where no one can ask you about them! Not only oils but oil books, diffusers and anything oily. Put your Essential Oils Desk Reference on the coffee table. Thieves products in the kitchen and bathrooms.

    Show your oily chemical free lifestyle. When you are visibly using oils around people, people will ask you about them. When they have a need, they will remember you have oils. Make sure you let your friends know that you sell stuff. Don’t make a big stress over that. You can just matter of fact say, “I love essential oils so much I decided to start my own essential oils business. I needed to earn enough to pay for my oil habit.”

    Don’t make it weird. It’s just the facts. If you feel uncomfortable about it, they will feel it. If you are open and matter of fact, just stating the fact and not doing a sales pitch, it will feel completely natural.

    With some friends you are more comfortable with you may feel like being more bold and playful: “Yea. I do sell oils. Do you want to buy some?” Make a lighthearted comment. No big deal. Eventually some will become your customers. They will need what you have and, because you did not keep silent about your oil habit, they will know to come to you for help.

4. Take pictures of your summer oiled living and post on Facebook and Instagram Try to post something daily. It should not always be oil related. Just post your life. Share things that will help people get to know and trust you.

When you are cooking use Vitality Oils in recipes and don’t miss the opportunity to take a picture.

5. Check in every morning and evening with email and Facebook. This is especially important if you are doing Facebook or other internet marketing. You need to keep up to date with any important news but most importantly, you need to respond to any interest.

6. Wear clothes and accessories with essential oil related or Young Living logos on them. They are great conversation starters.

Diffuser Jewelry is another way to get conversations started. You smell great and people will ask about what smells so good. Don’t just say it’s an essential oil, say something about the oil that shows the VALUE for them. I spray Thieves on my mask these days since I am making sure I am not bringing germs home to my family.

7. Put a window decal on your car – don’t put company name but put something about therapeutic grade essential oils with a link that directs people to YOUR website.

8. Use Drop Cards or Leave Behinds that have your enroll link or direct people to your website. I like post card size mini flyers. There are times when I don’t even talk to people I just leave them in places for people to find. If you eat at a restaurant, leave a nice big tip with a drop card or a mini flyer. A drop card is not the same as a business card.

9. Always carry a sharing packet, well stocked with some brochures and whatever you like to share with people. Don’t forget to take your business with you on vacation. There are always opportunities to share and possibly even write off your trip as a business expense. Make sure you have your website and enroll link on everything on every brochure, flyer or whatever you leave behind.

There are lots of ways to keep growing your Young Living Business when you go through busy times. The key is to always be aware of the opportunities around you and keep doing something daily that makes progress.


Distributors often look at successful people with Young Living and they see the results they have had and they start comparing their own results or lack of results. Sometimes they assume that the successful people had some magic system or they had a huge marketing budget or they just lucked out and sponsored workers in their downline. Some even put it up to having the right upline.

When you are looking at the successful distributors in Young Living, you need to look at their habits. It’s their daily habits that are the reason they are successful in Young Living.

What are the habits of successful Young Living Distributors?

  • They know they are the CEO of their own business. They know success is up to them. They go by the philosophy, “If it is to be, it’s up to ME.
  • They focus on their WHY. Why they want a successful business.
  • They are prospecting to 10-20 people a day rather than one or 2 a month.
  • They check their email and respond quickly to emails or phone calls.
  • They follow up on interest.
  • They know the importance of DAILY personal development: reading books, newsletters, audios.
  • They attend Young Living Events in their local area or state.
  • They attend Grand Convention.
  • They listen to conference calls and replays of calls when they can’t be on the live call.
  • They are paying attention to company news: Upline newsletters, company newsletters, conference calls, Facebook Groups, etc.
  • They set goals and work toward them.
  • They don’t wait until they know each and every step before they take even one. They just get started.
  • They focus on abundance instead of lack.

Here is a poem I have loved for several years:

I Can Make You Great or I Can Make You A Failure

WHO am I?

Let me give you some clues. Exactly WHO IS ME?

I am your constant companion.

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.

I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.

I am completely at your command.

Half of the things you do you might as well turn
over to me and I will do them – quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed – you must be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done
and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of great people, and alas, of all failures as well.


Those who are great, I have made great.

Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine though, however . . .

I work with the precision of a machine
plus the intelligence of a person.

You may run me for profit or run me for ruin –
it makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and
I will place the world at your feet.

Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?


January is always an exciting month. It’s a new year and lots of people have set resolutions to increase income and make other changes in their life. It is a great time to turn things up a notch or two in your business. Set your goals and move forward to success. I love the statement one of my mentors often said, “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.” Make adjustments as you are going. It’s like moving a car. You have to be moving before you can make a turn.

Have a very successful Year!


Secret to Young Living Business Success
You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” ~ John C. Maxwell

That’s a great quote by John C. Maxwell. Successful Young Living business builders know they need to do a few things every day that move them forward in their business. What is your daily routine like? It is a good idea to step back once in a while and think about what you are doing in your business. Are you really doing things that are going to help you progress toward your goals?

Being consistent has everything to do with your vision. If you have a vision of who you want to be and what you want your business and your life to look like, this will drive your daily activities. If you are struggling with consistency, you likely have a weak vision of what you want your business to look like. You need to get clear on what you want your life and your business to look like.

Write your vision on a note card. Try to be as detailed as possible as you write a picture of what your success will look like. Spend a few minutes every morning reading your card and thinking about your vision. Picture yourself already achieving your goals.

When you create and then focus on your vision. This will help drive you to do your daily routine.

In your Daily Routine you should:

1. Talk to people – Every day, talk to as many people as possible: in person, on Facebook, through email, on the phone or whatever means you have. Drop tidbits that spark interest, leave brochures, leave behinds, drop cards, product placement, etc to spark conversations. Send people to your web site. Never give any piece of marketing material without your web site on it.

2. Study – You need to spend a little time each day on personal development. The ones who do this are the ones who get the best results. I still do this daily, even after 26 years in Young Living and 28 years in network marketing. We all need to be serious about personal development.

3. Attend company events – People often say they can’t afford to go to events, they aren’t making enough money or that they don’t know what they are doing. Attending company events will help you in these areas.

Another way to keep your vision in front of you is to create a Mind Movie or a Vision Board that you will look at every day. You can also use the Mind Movie I created for you.

Visualization Tool For Young Living Distributors Working Toward Silver



You never know when you are going to have an opportunity to stir up some interest in your product or the business opportunity you represent. If you are anything like me, approaching strangers to start talking about your business or products feels uncomfortable. Most people feel uncomfortable with that.

Attract Prospects By Building Friendships
The best way to prospect is to make new friends. Widen out your contacts and connections. Once you put yourself out there and actually make new friends, real friends, you will have more people who may be interested in joining you on your lifestyle of health and freedom.

When you meet someone new, connect on Facebook or Instagram, right there on the spot. That way you can keep interacting with them on social media. Pay attention to their posts. Give a little love and comment. You are building relationships. When you post your oily lifestyle posts, they will be more likely to pay attention. Invite them to your oil classes.

Of course, the best place to start is with the friends you have right now. Do you have a few people you would love to join you on your journey of health and freedom? Have those people over for dinner, meet for lunch. Have a girls night or a ladies spa night or a spa time for moms. Invite the neighbors over for a backyard barbecue.

Don’t start talking oils or the business right away. Get to know each other. Let them know you like to live a healthy lifestyle with essential oils. This should come up naturally in the conversation because it is part of your life. Incite curiosity by having your oils and oil related products out everywhere. Wear your oils. You smell good. People sill ask about it. We have it pretty easy with essential oils because we can easily bring up the oils without even saying a word. I LOVE that!

Expanding your friends and contacts is one of the most valuable things you can do to build your business. The more people you know the better. There are lots of ways to find new connections that can grow into awesome friendships and some will join your oil community. Here are a few ideas:

    Co-workers – Get to know them beyond a simple office connection.

    Neighbors – Talk to your neighbors.

    Strike up conversations wherever you happen to be — in line at the grocery store, start a conversation with someone around you.

    Have a party – Have a casual dinner party or barbecue and invite your neighbors, people from work, or acquaintances you’ve bumped into along the way.

    Have friends over for Game Night

    Alumni Events – What are your classmates from high school and college doing now? Connect on Facebook and stay in touch with them regularly.

    Join the gym, Health Club, Yoga, Spa – When you’re taking a break from working out, chat with your neighbors.

    Community Events – Is your community hosting a 5 km run, doing a road cleanup, or hosting a free concert? Go out and participate.

    Clubs and Groups – Join a club or local group of people who enjoy doing the same things as you. Become a regular and strike up conversations with other members. The possibilities are endless: Mom groups, business groups, book clubs, art clubs …
    Check out for some ideas for things going on in your area. There is a section on wellness:

    Hiking or Walking your Dog – Strike up conversations with people on the path. People love to stop and chat about dogs.

    Volunteer – Volunteering is a great way to meet people and get to know them better. Volunteer in areas that are meaningful and interesting to you.

    Join Toastmasters or another speaking club – Speaking clubs not only give you the opportunity to meet people, you also get to practice your presentations and oil classes.

    Farmers Market – The farmers market is always fun and full of people who love healthy eating. It is often a very social atmosphere.

    Accept invitations – When people invite you to an event, GO! You never know who you’ll meet or what connections you might make.

    Facebook or other social media – Social media is a good way to connect and get to know people. There are Facebook Groups with people of similar interests. Be regular in groups and comment. Connect with people who are similar. Don’t talk oils, just connect and friend. Commenting in the group before you start connecting with individuals will help them recognize you when you send a friend request. Even better, like or comment on one of their comments in the group.

Regardless of where you meet people, have conversations. Not salesy but real friendship. Love on people and be friendly. Serve people, help and share.

Keep in regular contact by whatever means you can. You should be talking with them as often as possible. You should know what their interests are and mention those in future conversations. Some of these people will become close friends. Some will be potential for the future. Make sure you invite any of these new contacts to your oil classes.

If you approach every stranger as a friend you haven’t met yet and just smile and say “HI!”, it will feel natural.

The key is to ALWAYS BE READY! Always ready to connect with people. That begins with being friendly and having a warm approachable energy that you sending out. Have a warm friendly smile on your face. Relax. Be yourself. Be friendly and likable.

When you are standing in a line at the grocery store or sitting in a waiting room or a variety of other places, there are often opportunities to talk to people. Are you aware and watching for these opportunities? Are you wearing your oils? I always have my Abundance oil on. It has started MANY conversations.

Well, there you have it. There are lots more but hopefully these ideas will help you get the wheels turning. Have fun!!

If you are feeling stressed about talking oils or the business, check out the article: Releasing The Anxiety of Attracting New Prospects
