I hope you are doing daily Abundance Oil inhalation and focusing on growing in abundance.

Today I want to talk to you about ALLOWING abundance. It may sound silly to even need to bring this up. Of course I want abundance! The problem is, we all have things in our past that can contribute to BLOCKS and RESISTANCE. There are a LOT of different things that can cause this. I have some tools to help with this so NO WORRIES! 😉

I will let you know a couple of my abundance blocks to help get us started. In my past I had a couple traumatic experiences that made me know, deep down inside, that it is not safe in this world. The most traumatic was at age 9 a stranger attempted to abduct me. I was able to escape so nothing serious happened but I was really traumatized. That event stayed with me to this day. This shows up in all kinds of blocks and restrictions in abundance and even weight loss areas. One subconscious block was a fear of being too visible.

Another thing I want to mention is my parents fear of people stealing your money. Today there is a big problem with identity theft. As a child I heard my parents talking about people stealing your credit cards and stealing your money. I subconsciously took on my parents fears. For me, it translated to fear of having enough money for people to want to steal it. This is a subconscious fear. Our subconscious could actually make a VOW to never have enough money for someone to steal.

This can happen in small seeming insignificant ways too. An experience that happened to someone else can make an impact. One example: When I was elementary school age I saw a friend fall off the stage after giving a presentation. She tripped on the microphone cord and fell flat on her face. I laughed out loud and then was embarrassed that I laughed. My laughing at her made an impact on my subconscious mind. If I laughed at her when she made a mistake on stage, people will laugh at ME.

It’s interesting how our subconscious mind works. Years ago I started using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to help clear some of my emotional blocks. EFT is a wonderful tool for removing blocks but also raising energy level for most anything you are working to make progress in. I use EFT a LOT with affirmations and positive self talk. Affirmations are good but if I want to really make them powerful, I add an essential oil like Abundance Oil and then tap through the EFT points while focusing on the affirmations.

When you start doing EFT on a certain fear or emotional block, you might notice things from your past coming into your mind. This is VERY important. These memories that pop into your mind will be important things to tap on and clear. The tapping seems to bring things to mind.

Large and even the small things can become blocks and resistance to your progress. It’s like when one wheel on a shopping cart is stuck. You can move forward but it’s slower than it would be if all the wheels were moving in the right direction. Well, we can fix that! Thanks to EFT and other energy exercises you can clear these things that are blocking and slowing you down.

EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a form of psychological acupressure. With EFT you are tapping on various acupuncture meridian points while you focus on a negative issue you would like to change. You can also use EFT while saying affirmations.

More on EFT here:
What is EFT and How Can It Help Your Network Marketing Business?

EFT Points and Corresponding Body Organs

Remember, words have power. You can add allowing statements to your morning energy exercise. You can also tap through the EFT points as you do the energy exercise or other visualizations. Put oils on your fingertips before you tap.

I will be adding more on common blocks and resistance to abundance in upcoming blog posts, as well as EFT to help you clear each one.


Releasing Blocks and Allowing Abundance


It’s getting warmer outside and things are springing to life. I guess that’s why we call it Springtime. 🙂

Since things are coming alive outside, it seems like a great time to energize our business. How about joining with us in an April Abundance Challenge?

Each week this month, on Monday morning, we will share some Abundance Tips with some abundance assignments for the week.

The first assignment will be one to work on all month.

1. Every morning you will put on your Abundance oil. Think about: “What does abundance mean to ME?” For us, it means financial freedom, paying off debt. For some it means freedom from a job they hate or more time with family. Whatever that means for you. Choose what your phrase will be. Example: “I am financially free and living abundantly.” Here is one I love to use, “I am so full of abundance energy I am overflowing abundance on everything I touch.” Every day, put Abundance oil on hands, deeply inhale, repeat the words you chose. Think about the words and visualize yourself as you have already achieved it.

Do this every day. Wear your Abundance oil and focus on your WHY and what does abundance mean to you.

Abundance energy tip from Gary Young:
Put a little Abundance oil on each wrist. Touch your wrists together. Touch your throat. Breathe in the oil that is on your wrists. as you do that, imagine a waterfall of abundant energy flowing down through your. Imagine receiving through your left hand, giving with right hand and expressing through throat.

Another similar abundance exerciseL+:

Apply a couple drops of Abundance oil to your hands
Cup your hands over your nose and deeply inhale. As you do this, imagine a bright golden light coming from above. This is the healing light of abundance. Imagine the light and abundance energy filling you up as you are speaking these words to yourself:

    “I am full of abundance. I feel the healing light of abundance entering my body through the top of my head. The energy and vibration of abundance is filling every cell and every molecule of my body. Filling me with a powerful abundance energy that is energizing all my cells. Filling, filling, filling. There is so much abundance in my body now, it is overflowing. My abundance radiates out from me and fills other people. The energy of abundance is overflowing onto my team and energizing their efforts. We are like a magnet, attracting more and more abundance. ”

You can use the words as as they are or change it up to fit your plans. You can shorten it for days when you are really busy. Just get the picture in your head of the light of abundance filling and overflowing onto everything in your life, especially things related to your business.

You can also use the Abundance Energy Exercise with AFFIRMATIONS. Don’t forget to inhale your Abundance oil. If you don’t have Abundance oil, there are other oils that can work in a pinch. Lavender and Stress Away would be one option. Layer them, or just use Lavender.

You can also use the Abundance Visualization Tool with this morning routine.

2. Intentionally talk to 20 people over the entire month about oils. That’s 5 people a week. This could be talking to people you have talked to before, just following up. Could be someone you know. Could be a stranger. It can be a social media post, an email, a text. It can be using a drop of essential oil in your water at lunch with a friend and saying something like, “I love to use peppermint to support my healthy digestion.”

You never know how the smallest action will open an oily conversation.

Mindset and energy is important. Here are some things that may help:

Power and Energy of Words and Thoughts

Visualization Is A Powerful Abundance Attractor

Conscious Languaging: The Power of the Words you Use

As you read my visualization story below, remember Dr Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment.

Visualization can be a powerful tool in achieving your goals and dreams.

When you visualize, try to picture as much detail as you possibly can about your goal or whatever you are working toward. If your goal is to climb up the ranks in Young Living to Diamond Level, you can visualize yourself going through the steps you need to take to get there.

Visualize yourself talking to people or doing things that grow your business. Visualize all kinds of possible ways people would approach you and ask for more information. Visualize yourself actually on the stage getting the award for the rank you are working toward.

Visualize all kinds of things that feel successful for you and your business. Get really detailed in your visualizations.

I’ll give you an example:

In my early career with Young Living I would visualize myself driving a Lexus. I had a Law of Attraction teacher that said to visualize something that pictured success for you and get really detailed. I had seen a pretty Champagne Gold Lexus so I visualized that car.

The teacher said, picture the car and how it looks but also picture yourself in the car. What does it smell like? Walk around it and kick the tires. Visualize yourself washing it. Picture yourself driving up in it to places where people you know will wonder how you can afford such a nice car.

Not only the car but, what does that make you feel like? What is the feeling you want to have? What feeling does the car represent?

For me . . . The feeling was FREEDOM!!

The car pictured freedom I wanted my business to provide. I was tired of the struggle to make ends meet. Tired of working crappy jobs just to get the bills paid. Tired of being exhausted at the end of a work day and only getting a few dollars for my time.

When you are doing your visualization, really linger on the feelings underneath your WHY.  Why you are really wanting a successful Young Living business.

For me it was FREEDOM, so as I did my visualizations, I focused on my metallic gold Lexus and the FREEDOM I wanted my business to provide.

Here is the neat thing . . .

After several weeks of focusing on a gold Lexus and FREEDOM, I found myself needing to replace my car. I wanted a used car about 3 or 4 years old.  We drove to Columbus, Ohio to look at a used Toyota Camry that had been advertised in the newspaper. When we got to the car lot, the Camry was a mess and was not treated gently by the previous owner.

No way on that Camry but what do you suppose was down a few cars from that Camry?

It was a beautiful gold Lexus!! When I first saw it I wasn’t going to test drive it because I figured it was too much money and I was not totally adjusted to having decent money coming in.

The car was so beautiful and it was a LEXUS!!  I decided to test drive it anyway.

Guess what?!!  I ended up buying that car that day!

As we were driving home it hit me. I started to cry as I realized, this was the exact car I had been visualizing.  I had seen a metallic gold Lexus I liked and that  was the image I used in my visualization, exact color and model.

To me, this was proof that there was power in visualization and the Law of Attraction.  How we can affect things with the power of what we think.

Now that I have made the connection about Dr Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment, and seen how our words and thoughts are alive, I am even more convinced that we can really attract what we want in our live.

Really get detailed when you do visualizations.


While you are doing your visualizations, tap the EFT Points.  Visualize and Tap!!! Add some essential oil to your fingertips as you tap to power it up even more. Several Young Living blends would be awesome: Abundance, Envision, Believe, Magnify Your Purpose, Highest Potential, Dream Catcher . . .

EFT  can really enhance your visualizations. It helps imprint your visualizations down into your cells. Each EFT point represents a body organ. It’s a powerful tool to enhance visualizations and affirmations.

If you need to learn EFT, go to my EFT for Network Marketers website:  http://www.melodiekantner.com



Some days you don’t feel like doing the things you need to do, like writing a blog post or sending an Oil Tip to your team.

When I have days like that, I listen to music to get myself in a good mood. Well, I admit, I listen to music just because it’s fun. It gets me moving!

It’s more than a good mood. When I plan to work on business, I want music that mood for my HUSTLE. I want music that lifts my mood and MOTIVATES me. It’s really important to have a good energy as you are doing business work. I get SO MUCH done when I start the day with my Happy list. I listen to it on days I don’t plan to do much work because it reminds me to be in marketing mode, even when I am not working. 😉

I have the list in order of ones with WORDS that get me feeling POWERFUL. The first song is, “I’M Good”. Next is “Forcefield” by Jax. “I’m strong like a FORCEFIELD“. Then, “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now, by Starship & “Unstoppable” by Sia. Plus more.

I like the motivating beat but the WORDS are good. I have been using Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now for so many things. I love it while jumping on my trampoline, but also, when I am listening to that song I am thinking of my TEAM!! I know it is about lovers but I LOVE my team and we are building this dream together. I crank it up and let the music fill my body. Look at the words below. Doesn’t that sound like how you feel about your team? And the words for Unstoppable!! POWERFUL!

I have recently put my happy music together in a list in Spotify. I named it Happy. Check it out below. Use it or get ideas for building your own POWER Happy list on Spotify or wherever you listen to music.

Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship
Let ’em say we’re crazy
I don’t care about that
Put your hand in my hand
Baby, don’t ever look back
Let the world around us
Just fall apart
Baby, we can make it
If we’re heart to heart
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing’s gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers
We’ll still have each other
Nothing’s gonna stop us
Nothing’s gonna stop us now

Unstoppable by Sia

I put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I put my armor on, I’ll show you that I am
I’m unstoppable
I’m a Porsche with no brakes
I’m invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I’m so powerful
I don’t need batteries to play
I’m so confident
Yeah, I’m unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I’m unstoppable today

WOW! Those words are POWERFUL! It puts me in, I MEAN BUSINESS, hustle mode! Words are important, especially in the music we listen to. If it’s depressing, it isn’t going to be as helpful with your abundance energy.

Words are important in every day speech too. Check out one of our previous posts, Conscious Language and The Power of Words

Don’t forget to wear your Abundance Oil as you HUSTLE!! 😉

Happy Playlist on Spotify


What do pennies have to do with abundance and financial freedom you ask? Plenty.

I Am Attracting Money!

As a Young Living business builder, you are intending to attract abundance and build financial freedom. Your goal is to attract income. Do you pick up coins off the ground when you see them? You should! Even the pennies, there is POWER in the pennies.

Every time I see a penny lying on the ground I take the time to reach down and pick it up and put it right into my pocket or purse. Do I need a penny? No. Is a penny going to make a dent in my financial life? No. Why do I bother then?

It’s because of a tip I learned from the book: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. When you find a coin on the ground, celebrate that you attracted money. “How abundant I am! I am always attracting money!”
I like to say that out loud so I turn to Mark and hold the penny up so he can see it, then I say, “Look how abundant I am. I attracted money!” Even if it’s a penny.

Don’t say, “I found a penny.” It’s MONEY! Always pick up any coins and celebrate that you attracted MONEY. The Law of Attraction doesn’t know the difference between a penny or a thousand dollars.

Every time you pick up a penny you are demonstrating that you are a vibrational match for receiving money.

Do you know what happens when you see a penny and leave it on the ground because it’s not worth it to you to pick up? You are sending a vibrational message that you are not open to abundance. Basically blocking the flow of abundance. You are vibrationally saying, “Don’t bother trying to send me money. If you do I either won’t notice it or won’t bother to pick it up.”

Found Pennies – I Am a Money Magnet!

I recently read an article by Jackie Ulmer where she said she saves all her found coins in a glass jar on her “dream shelf.” What a great idea. I started putting my coins in jars too. Pretty ones. I have inserted my jar of pennies. Silver colored coins are in another jar.

I used to collect them in a bag and redeem for dollars but I like to keep the pennies as a symbol of abundance I have attracted, and NOT cash them in! As a side note, I keep my pennies on the shelf with my Young Living awards collection. Side note: We Reds LOVE the awards. 😉

In order to be a money magnet, attracting abundance, you must be open to receiving money. Keep an eye out for those pennies!

Observe and celebrate any abundance you already have, no matter how small. If someone treats you to a cup of coffee, mentally celebrate abundance. Some things you should say out loud but at least mentally say, “I am such a magnet for abundance!”

When your Young Living order arrives, open the box, pull out all those FREE oils you got for Monthly Gifts and CELEBRATE how abundant you are and how grateful you are for being part of such an AWESOME company!

Also, don’t forget to celebrate when you redeem YL Loyalty Rewards Points for free products.

Law of Attraction works whether we are focusing on good abundant things or even if we focus on negative bad things. What we focus on we attract more of. If we are focusing on how bad the economy is or how high the gas prices are or whatever other negative things are going on, we turn our energy into one that actually repels the good that we want to attract. So let’s focus on some good things.

And, don’t forget to wear your Abundance Oil!! 😉
