Young Living Business Building Goals and Resolutions
WOW! Here we are again. Another year has passed by. It seems like the years are going by faster and faster. I know that is not true. A year is the same number of days as always. I guess it just feels like it is going by faster as we are getting older.

I have always loved this time of year because this is the time of year that people set new goals for the upcoming year. I have never been one for New Year’s Resolutions. People usually don’t take those seriously, however, I am a firm believer in setting goals and making action plans to achieve those goals.

Every year it is a good plan to look back at the previous year and think about different things that have happened up to this point. Reflecting on both the good things that happened and things that weren’t so good. Don’t spend much time on the things that weren’t so good but just enough time to take note of anything that you learned or ways you could get a better outcome.

Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil

Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil

Not only is it important to be regularly analyzing things and improving as we go, it is also important to express Gratitude and celebrate the successes of the previous year.

One thing I am grateful for and I celebrate almost daily is the ability to work from home. If you are supplementing your family’s income or working full time from home, celebrate. It is such a blessing. Start there. Celebrate the power you have to generate whatever amount of income you want, either on the side or fulltime.

Celebrating is really important because it sets a success energy that attracts more good things. I recommend you use Young Living Gratitude Essential Oil Blend while you are doing this. Gratitude oil has a very abundance attracting energy. It also smells WONDERFUL and is very uplifting.

Three Reasons to Reflect on and Celebrate Success:

1. We train our subconscious to be aware and open to success and abundance.
2. We give our subconscious and conscious mind PROOF of our success and progress.
3. It builds self-esteem, confidence and belief in our abilities.

Some things to include in your reflection:

Any successes large and small. Even the things you consider small. Some of these small successes are stepping stones to larger successes.

New things you learned – This is a huge one that people often forget to include. Reflect on all the training you have taken, books you have read, videos & audios and live events you have attended, anything that has been good for growth in your personal development or business skills. Really celebrate this one knowing that training and personal development is the biggest success secret of network marketing professionals who earn full time income.

Don’t forget the things you learned by trial and error. Like when you began learning to write a blog or make a video.

There are lots of things you can add to your list. I recommend writing down your reflections. If you have been following my training for any length of time, you should have this done from previous years and have saved them. If so, take out some of your past years reflections and look at the progress over the years. This is really fun.

Reflecting on the progress you have made builds confidence. When I look back on the early days, when I was afraid to step into the leadership role, I am amazed at how far I have come. Network Marketing is the best business for personal growth and with Young Living we have awesome essential oils that enhance progress in so many ways.

After you have finished reflecting on the previous year, you can make a plan of action for the upcoming year. What will you do to increase your business? How will you improve on your marketing skills and what will you do to implement. Think about where you want to be at the end of this year. Write that down. Then make a list of all the things you plan to do to get there.

Writing all of this down is very important. It helps you have a direction for the year. Keep a copy of both the reflecting of the previous year and the plan for next year. It is really empowering to look back at the things you have accomplished in the past and how far you have come, especially when you have the notes for several years. You can see your growth over the years which is such a confidence booster.

It is also good to reflect on your WHY. Why you are building this business.

Click image to make it larger.

For more, read “How Strong is Your Why?

Take Action. If you don’t take action, NOTHING will happen. Actually you need to take appropriate action. Some people fiddle with this and that doing “business tasks” and are not really doing action that amounts to making progress.


Every morning ask yourself, “What can I do today to MOVE my business forward toward the success of my goals for my Young Living business?” What can I do today to get more people to ask me about essential oils?


WHO am I?

Let me give you some clues.

Exactly WHO IS ME?

I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
Success Habits

I am completely at your command.
Half of the things you do you might as well turn
over to me and I will do them – quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed – you must be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done
and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of great people, and alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine though, however . . .
I work with the precision of a machine
plus the intelligence of a person.

You may run me for profit or run me for ruin –
it makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet.
Be easy with me and I will destroy you.
Who am I?


It’s the habits you develop that determine your success in your Young Living Business or anything else.

As Jim Rohn said, “Work more on yourself than you work on your business.” Working on personal development is one of the best habits you can form. Not only working on mindset but also working on the skills you need to become a professional in your business.

In any business, you have to learn the ropes. There is ALWAYS a learning curve. There is training. Even if you work at McDonalds or Walmart, you have a training process to go through. You learn to take orders, run the cash register, learn about all the products, you learn how to deal with customers and a multitude of other things.

There is a big difference in the learning you learn as a business owner. You are learning skills that can either make you rich or make you struggle and fail in your business.

“You can never have, “do” or receive more than your own habits predict.”

Ask yourself, What habits am I developing that will insure the success I want for myself and my family. Are my habits productive or are they getting in the way of my success? We all need a self evaluating sometimes. We all go through periods of time where we are needing a kick in the pants.

Habit of Reading

Here are a couple good habits we all should be doing every day:

  • Read a few pages of a good book every day. Read something that will develop success mindset or skills you need for your business.
  • Listen to training webinars and . There are lots of excellent trainers out there that have awesome training. People who have built a successful business and share how they have done it.

Why not join me in building million dollar habits today.

Distributors often look at successful people with Young Living and they see the results they have had and they start comparing their own results or lack of results. Sometimes they assume that the successful people had some magic system or they had a huge marketing budget or they just lucked out and sponsored workers in their downline. Some even put it up to having the right upline.

When you are looking at the successful distributors in Young Living, you need to look at their habits. It’s their daily habits that are the reason they are successful in Young Living.

What are the habits of successful Young Living Distributors?

  • They know they are the CEO of their own business. They know success is up to them. They go by the philosophy, “If it is to be, it’s up to ME.
  • They focus on their WHY. Why they want a successful business.
  • They are prospecting to 10-20 people a day rather than one or 2 a month.
  • They check their email and respond quickly to emails or phone calls.
  • They follow up on interest.
  • They know the importance of DAILY personal development: reading books, newsletters, audios.
  • They attend Young Living Events in their local area or state.
  • They attend Grand Convention.
  • They listen to conference calls and replays of calls when they can’t be on the live call.
  • They are paying attention to company news: Upline newsletters, company newsletters, conference calls, Facebook Groups, etc.
  • They set goals and work toward them.
  • They don’t wait until they know each and every step before they take even one. They just get started.
  • They focus on abundance instead of lack.

Here is a poem I have loved for several years:

I Can Make You Great or I Can Make You A Failure

WHO am I?

Let me give you some clues. Exactly WHO IS ME?

I am your constant companion.

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.

I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.

I am completely at your command.

Half of the things you do you might as well turn
over to me and I will do them – quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed – you must be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done
and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of great people, and alas, of all failures as well.


Those who are great, I have made great.

Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine though, however . . .

I work with the precision of a machine
plus the intelligence of a person.

You may run me for profit or run me for ruin –
it makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and
I will place the world at your feet.

Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?


January is always an exciting month. It’s a new year and lots of people have set resolutions to increase income and make other changes in their life. It is a great time to turn things up a notch or two in your business. Set your goals and move forward to success. I love the statement one of my mentors often said, “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.” Make adjustments as you are going. It’s like moving a car. You have to be moving before you can make a turn.

Have a very successful Year!


Secret to Success in your Young Living BusinessThere are actually more than 7 secrets to success in Your Young Living Business. Well, let’s get real. They aren’t really secrets but, when you are just starting out, building a successful Young living business can seem like a daunting task. The same thing can happen if you go through a rough patch and find things stalled for a time. Sometimes you need a mindset reboot. Speaking from experience. 😉

Here are seven of the more important things that all successful business builders know and apply. If you are not aware of these and focusing on them, you will have a tough time achieving any level of success in your Young Living business.

    1. The Number One Secret is YOU. – You are the secret to your own success. You have to WANT it, you have to COMMIT to doing the work. Some of that work will need to be self development and working on any subconscious fears that may be getting in your way. If you don’t, it makes everything a struggle. You may find it difficult to maintain any success that you achieve because something in the self conscious says you aren’t good enough so it begins to put the brakes on.

    That is why I started EFT for Network Marketers. It is centered around releasing the subconscious blocks that are holding you back from reaching your highest potential.

    2. Know Your WHY – This is another crucial one. Your WHY is your driving force. It is what gets you through the hard times. It’s what keeps you going on the days when you feel like giving up. We ALL have days like that. Your WHY has to be really strong and MUST be emotional. I can’t stress that enough. If you don’t have a really strong WHY, you won’t do what it takes to get things done. If you don’t know why you want success in your Young Living business, you will have a difficult time growing a business that amounts to anything.

    3. Believe in Yourself, in Young Living and the Direct Marketing Industry – This is HUGE. YOU MUST, YOU MUST, YOU MUST BELIEVE! If you aren’t 100% confident that you can do this, you may as well pack it up and settle in at the JOB. If you are struggling with belief, why not try a little EFT Tapping What If Tapping For Success in your Young Living Business

    4. Visualize Success – You MUST see yourself reaching your goals. You should actually have goals written down, then daily visualizing reaching those goals. Every night before going to bed visualize goals I want to achieve. I try to get as detailed as I possibly can. What I am wearing, who I am talking to, what I am saying, I visualized myself getting awards on stage. I visualized all kinds of scenarios where I could see my check and others could also see it and be impressed. My favorite was going into the bank to deposit the check and the bank teller wanting to know how I get all these big checks.

    I had so much fun when I got to that point. I loved handing the bank teller my check for deposit. Some of them were around for several years and observed my checks growing. That’s one thing I miss now that our checks are direct deposited. These days checks are direct deposited. I kind of miss those days of having to run to the bank. 😉

    Anyway, think up all kinds of ways you can visualize success. It’s fun and you’ll be amazed how it helps you get there faster. As you are visualizing, keep reflecting on your WHY.

    5. Take MASSIVE Action – This one seems like common sense to me. If you don’t take action, NOTHING will happen.

    You must make a plan and then WORK YOUR PLAN! In the network marketing industry I have seen far too many distributors sign up who seem to think that all they have to do is join and their business will build itself as if by osmosis. Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble but that’s not how business of any kind works. Thankfully, with Young Living, we have such awesome products most people get started using the products, then the business starts growing from there. It’s much easier to share what you love.

    Take appropriate action. Some people fiddle with this and that doing “business tasks” and are not really doing action that amounts to making progress

    ACTION, ACTION, ACTION!! Every morning ask yourself, “What can I do today to MOVE my business forward toward the realization of my goals?”

    6. Learning From Mistakes – It is a fact of life. There will be mistakes, lots of them. In the beginning you are learning. You are learning about Young Living Essential Oils, learning ways to promote yourself and your business and just getting the feel for what fits your style of business building.

    Don’t let mistakes scare you. Everyone who is successful in anything has made lots of mistakes through the process. You LEARN from mistakes. Be grateful for the things you learned. Make the adjustments you need to make and move FORWARD! I want to see people, Especially those on my team, experience the freedom of working from home but I’ve seen far too many distributors give up way too soon because the things they did to promote their business didn’t work as they planned.

    You have to keep trying and testing until you find what fits YOUR style. There are marketing techniques that fit most anyone. I am an excellent example. I was very uncomfortable approaching strangers and I was not into harassing friends and family. I had to test all kinds of marketing and THAT I DID!

    Lots of marketing techniques I tried were abysmal failures, some I spent a lot of money on. In the beginning I was broke so free and really cheap was all I could do. The point is, you have to keep trying and testing methods to promote your business.

    Think of each mistake or failure as a lesson. Learn the lesson, make the adjustments and KEEP PROGRESSING!

    Celebrate Success in your Young Living Business
    7. Celebrate Abundance – Be on the watch for anything that is progress. Celebrate progress. Celebrate abundance. Celebrate when you learn something that will grow your business. Celebrate success in others too.

    Even in troubled times, there are lots of things that we can be thankful for. Celebrate those things. Reflect and rejoice over the good things. Gratitude reduces negativity.

    Put on some Abundance or Gratitude essential oil and do a little Gratitude tapping while reflecting on all the things you are celebrating.

These success tips are just the start. Your upline leaders have their own list, so make sure you ask them how they became successful. Make sure you are having fun in the process.


Your thoughts and words are energy. Every person, plant, animal, rock, tree, every physical thing sends out energy. We are all radiating either a positive or negative energy. Positive energy attracts, Negative energy repels.


Did you know one positive word can change water’s structure? There is proof. A Japanese scientist named Masaru Emoto made a series of tests. Emoto realized both positive and negative words can have an influence on water’s structure by changing water’s crystals. During his study of water, Emoto came to some fascinating revelations. He came to a belief that water was the so-called ‘’blueprint of our reality’’ and our emotional energy and vibrations can change the physical structure of water.


Positive words created nicely shaped crystals, while negative words created ugly, disease-like crystals making water appear dirty and sick. Remember, our bodies are made up of a large percentage of water.

Here is an example of the power of words on water crystals:
Power of Words - Abundance Affirmation Tapping


Remember the saying “Sending off good vibes?” You actually do. Good or bad. Or how about, have you ever been in a good mood and someone with a bad mood entered the room? Have you noticed your own energy dropping? Even when no words are spoken, you can feel the drop in your energy.


Gary has done experiments with this. One test was with 2 women praising each other next to some Melissa plants, then harvesting and distilling the plants in the area. They did another test in another section of Melissa plants where 2 women were arguing and swearing at each other beside the plants. They harvested and distilled the plants. What they found is that the Melissa plants that were harvested and distilled with 2 women praising each other produced much more oil than the batch with 2 women arguing and swearing. That is why Young Living field workers are not allowed to go in the field if they are angry or use foul language.


Now, stop and think about your Young Living Business. If water and plants can be affected by our words and emotions, can you see how important it is to approach our business tasks every day with a powerful positive energy?


Knowing how powerful our thoughts and words are, you can see why it is a good idea to repeat affirmations. We attract what we are speaking and thinking about on a regular basis. When enough of these thoughts come together, the vibrations become heavier. Like energies (thoughts) attract to each other. This is called the law of attraction. Like attracts Like.


Remember this also works not only for the good thoughts but for bad thoughts, such as fear or lack. So, if you intend on attracting an abundantly growing Young Living business, you want to focus on what that looks like for you. You will attract what you think about.


Affirmations are a good way to help refocus your thoughts and intentions but affirmations Tapping is even more powerful. Take any affirmation you choose and tap through the EFT points while you are speaking or thinking. Add one of Young Living’s essential oils to your fingertips before tapping and you add even more power to your affirmation tapping sessions. Young Living has several blends for emotions which are amazing for EFT tapping. Abundance oil blend is one example.


Young Living Abundance Oil for Affirmation Tapping



Click here for more on Law of Attraction and EFT for Network Marketers

