Welcome to Young Living Business Builders. This website is brought to you by Melodie Kantner, Brandon Kantner and Melissa Boice.

We have been successfully building our Young Living business since 1997. This blog is about Young Living Business Success. Building your business in a way that feels natural and easy. I have always used and taught ways that get people to come to YOU. To ask YOU questions about the oils. I never liked the old style network marketing ways that make you feel icky.

If it’s not comfortable and FUN, it will be difficult to build a business. We are all about enjoying the journey.

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Lately I have the music from the new Lego Movie rolling around in my head. You have probably been hearing it a lot too. “Everything is Awesome.”

I decided to do a search to see what the words to the song are. The music makes me happy and feel like dancing. When I searched I found a YouTube video so I could hear the words to the full song. The words are very good and just the type of music I like to listen to when I need a motivating mood uplift.

Here are a few words from the song:

feeling-amazingEverything is awesome
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team
Everything is awesome
When we’re living our dream

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side
You and I
Gonna win forever
Let’s party forever

Even when negative things happen:

Have you heard the news everyone’s talking
Life is good ’cause everything’s awesome
Lost my job, there’s a new opportunity
More free time for my awesome community
I feel more awesome than an awesome possum
Dip my body in chocolate frosting
Three years later wash off the frosting
Smelling like a blossom, Everything is awesome
Stepped in mud, got new brown shoes
It’s awesome to win and it’s awesome to lose

Your attitude affects the energy you are radiating when you talk to people and how they react to what you are saying. People will be more inclined to listen to a person who is radiating a happy attracting energy rather than one that is negative.

Your attitude affects your abundance. It affects your motivation. It affects how you work in your business. It affects everything!

Think about the way you greet people. A while back I wrote the article: How Do You Respond When Asked “How Are You?” I have heard all kinds of negative responses varying from “I’m fine” to “Not so good” or even much worse.

I used to say similar negative responses until I realized how powerful our words and feelings are and how much those things affect our success. Now I say something that will be uplifting to the other person but also to me. The words we use either bring us up or down. Every time we say something negative or complain about something, we are reenforcing that negative feeling in us. Even saying “I am fine” is one I like to avoid. I would rather say, “I am awesome.” Or something similar. Try it. Those words lift you up. Saying “I am fine” is sort of neutral. It does nothing to improve things. People say they are fine when they really aren’t feeling fine. Try saying “I am awesome” when you are in a group where you might get asked that question several times. I always find my mood lifting each time I say it.

Your attitude is very important to the amount of success you will have in your Young Living business. The words you use. The way you react to little set backs. The failures and little set backs are learning experiences. In my 17 years with Young Living I have see so many distributors give up because of setbacks, not knowing how to build their business and various other things that boil down to attitude. The only failure is giving up.

Don’t give up!

We are all different in our marketing styles. There are all kinds of ways to succeed in this business, even for people who don’t feel like sales people. Try different things until you find the marketing that fits your style.

I am reminded of Thomas Edison’s famous quote: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Listen to the music, Everything is Awesome” on YouTube.

Don’t give up!


I have been making some Mind Movies lately the Ultimate Success Masterclass training I am taking. Mind Movies are a kind of visualization tool to help you make better progress towards your goals. Presently I am working toward Platinum Level in Young Living so I made one to help energize me toward that goal.

As I was working on my Mind Movie I started thinking it would be a nice idea to make one for Young Living distributors who are wanting to increase their business and work towards Silver Level. The Mind Movie I created for you is below but you can go to http://www.mindmovies.com and create your own movies that fit your specific goals.

Watch the video twice a day, morning and evening. I like to tap the EFT points as I watch. EFT enhances affirmations and the visualization process. I always put a couple drops of Abundance oil on my fingertips before I start tapping. See EFT Points chart under the video.

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For more on EFT read the article,
“What is EFT and How Can It Help Your Network Marketing Business”



Here is a great quote from Craig Aramaki, “Don’t sell the products! Instead, fall in love with the products and then, sell that love. Your passion is your purpose.”

Craig Aramaki is chief marketing officer at Young Living Essential Oils . He made that comment at the 2013 Grand Convention. It’s a really powerful statement and one you should think about. How much do you love the products? What about Young Living Essential Oils as a company?

I have been with Young Living for over 16 years. I started building my business because of how much I love the oils and what they have done for me and my family both physically and emotionally. It was Abundance oil that lifted me out of severe depression. Within minutes of using that oil I felt wonderful. It was that shift that made me realize how much I could help others with these oils.

I could never be successful building a business with products I didn’t truly LOVE! I have been involved with several companies and affiliate programs on the side over the years for products and services I use. Some of them I attempted to build a side income with but I had very little success with any of those other programs. Each one has paled in comparison to Young Living. I guess it was good because they all made me appreciate what we have in Young Living and how special this company really is.

To be really successful in Young Living, you really need to understand and appreciate how unique the company and products are. I know most people say that about their company but NONE can say things that Young Living Distributors can say about our company.

It is IMPORTANT that YOU, as a Young Living Distributor who is serious about success, get to know the things that make our company truly unique. First by using the products and becoming a product of the product. Using the products you will have your own stories to tell.

Second, learn how Young Living goes above and beyond what is normal to produce the highest quality essential oils in the world. Get to know the ways Young Living is different from other network marketing companies and other essential oil companies.

A Few Things You Should Know . . . yl_farm3pic

  • Gary has invested 33 years in the research and development of essential oils.
  • The FDA says, Gary Young is the foremost expert on essential oils and distillation in the WORLD!
  • Gary has been told by French essential oil experts that YL has the finest Lavender in the world!
  • Young Living has 9 farms and 9 distilleries and over 14 partners crafting and distilling worldwide.
  • YL is building another distillery this year at Highland Farm in Idaho. This will be the 10th distillery Young Living operates.
  • Largest Lavender farm in France belongs to Young Living with 1000 acres.
    Young Living has the largest acreage producing Lavender in the whole world with lavender growing in Utah, Idaho and France
  • No chemicals are used on the YL Farms! Use special spray created by Gary containing oils! Much more expensive but the only real way to be organic!
  • Organic Compost is used on all YL Farms for soil enhancement 5 million tons of compost used annually on YL fields! Every Young Living farm has a composting yard. Plant matter from the distillation go in, no waste!
  • Gary Young injects microbes & enzymes into soil, also liquid from worm castings for fertilizer
  • Aromatic plants need a pH balance of 7-7.8! Who knew?! Gary Young did!
  • Young Living works with 7 other labs around the world to determine the properties and purity of Young Living essential oils.

These are just a few ways that Young Living is really unique as a network marketing company. How many network marketing companies have you heard of that have their own farms in multiple counties around the world?

Be aware of these things when you are sharing information with people about the oils. Use the products and develop your own product success stories. Listen to audios on products and company news and training. These things will help you grow your passion and help you stick with your business until you achieve the success you want in your Young Living business.


The poem below was read at Young Living Convention 2013. It’s a good one because it gets you thinking. We see things from our own perspective but sometimes we are wrong. That’s why we need to listen to other people and widen our scope of vision and understanding. It applies to a lot of things in life and your Young Living business.

Anyway . . .

The Cookie Thief
A woman was waiting at an airport one night, with several long hours before her flight. She hunted forCookie Thief Poem a book in the airport shops, bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.

She was engrossed in her book but happened to see, that the man sitting beside her, as bold as could be. . . grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between, which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene.

So she munched the cookies and watched the clock, as the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock. She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I would blacken his eye.”

With each cookie she took, he took one too, when only one was left, she wondered what he would do. With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half.

He offered her half, as he ate the other, she snatched it from him and thought… oooh, brother. This guy has some nerve and he’s also rude, why he didn’t even show any gratitude!

She had never known when she had been so galled, and sighed with relief when her flight was called. She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate.

She boarded the plane, and sank in her seat, then she sought her book, which was almost complete. As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise, there was her bag of cookies, in front of her eyes.

If mine are here, she moaned in despair, the others were his, and he tried to share. Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief.

By Valerie Cox in “A Matter of Perspective”


Key to Success in Young Living BusinessThere is a secret that that successful marketers know that ensures they sponsor people every week and every month. It’s really not that much of a secret but to some distributors it seems to be a concept that is difficult to grasp.

The secret is having a marketing mindset. That means that you have marketing in mind at all times, even when you are doing things totally not related to business.

I can’t stress enough that you need to keep marketing in mind at all times. If you really want to earn income with your Young Living business, you need to have marketing in mind every day. What does that mean? It doesn’t mean pitching people all the time but it does mean that you are ready when the opportunity arises.

When you have marketing in mind, you are prepared, alert and actually looking for ways to promote. Promotion can be dropping seeds that may not produce something right away. It can be as simple as using oils in front of people and wearing certain oils whenever you are in public so people comment on how good you smell. I wear Abundance oil ALWAYS. It smells great and people comment on it. You can respond by saying, “It’s an essential oil blend called Abundance. It’s one of my favorite mood uplifting oils, plus it attracts good things.” Then . . .

Whenever you talk to people about why you smell so great, that’s an opening for a short comment on essential oils.

Don’t forget to use oils regularly in front of people and be prepared to respond with a short comment to see if there is interest. Always carry information to give people who are interested. This information must have your contact info and web site.

There are many orphans every month because of people who talked with someone about Young Living Essential Oils but ended the conversation without giving anything that would help them know what to do next. They Google and find someone to enroll under. Prospect lost to another Young Living Distributor.

There are lots of ways to promote your Young Living business but you should always be using at least 3-5 marketing methods at all times. If you do this EVERY Day, and always keep marketing in mind, no matter what you are doing, you will be able to sponsor people EVERY month.
