Welcome to Young Living Business Builders. This website is brought to you by Melodie Kantner, Brandon Kantner and Melissa Boice.

We have been successfully building our Young Living business since 1997. This blog is about Young Living Business Success. Building your business in a way that feels natural and easy. I have always used and taught ways that get people to come to YOU. To ask YOU questions about the oils. I never liked the old style network marketing ways that make you feel icky.

If it’s not comfortable and FUN, it will be difficult to build a business. We are all about enjoying the journey.

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“You can cut down a tree with a hammer, but it takes about 30 days. If you trade the hammer for an ax, you can cut it down in about 30 minutes. The difference between 30 days and 30 minutes is skills.” – Jim Rohn

Leaders are readers and readers are earners. Even distributors who are already very successful still continue to read books, listen to audios, take online training courses and go to seminars and workshops to sharpen their skills. If you would like a full time income in Young Living, you need to think and act like a professional. Professionals are always sharpening their skills. Are you sharpening yours?

In the beginning network marketing can feel a little out of your comfort zone. If you spend a little time every day reading and listening to audios. Your comfort zone will expand. Attend events, seminars and workshops and you will sharpen your skills even more.

One way to sharpen your skills is to hang around people who are successful in the business. Observe what they do. Listen when they speak. Follow them on Facebook and other social media and observe how they connect with people. Pay attention. You can learn a lot from other leaders in Young Living.

Keep up with things that are going on in the company and with anything that affects your business. It’s no different than any other profession like accountants, lawyers, people in the medical profession, hair stylists, etc. You have to keep up with any changes going on. There are always changes. There are new ways to market and promote your business. Eighteen years ago, when I began building my Young Living business, we did not use social media. Today it is a big part of both business building and training downline. Times change.

One thing I have learned in over 26 years in building my Young Living Business is that you need to have an ongoing program for personal development. There are many reasons this is important. In the beginning of your Young Living career, it will help you learn and build confidence.

The world is always changing. There are new tools, technologies and new things happening. You need to keep learning and applying the things you learned to your life and your business.

Another are that personal development helps is motivation. Whenever I feel unmotivated I like to put on an audio book and listen to some of pearls of wisdom. Jim Rohn has always been my favorite but there are lots of good, inspiring books and audios.

Here is a partial list of my favorite books and audios. I have many of these in both book and audio form. I recommend having books in tablet or phone for times when you are waiting. You should be able to find most of these books on Amazon.

Network Marketing
Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional, BY Eric Worre
The Four Year Career – Richard Bliss Brook
How to Build a Multilevel money machine – Randy Gage
Escape the Rat Race – Randy Gage
The Greatest Networker In The World – John Milton Fogg
Conversations with the Greatest Networker in the World – John Milton Fogg
Magnetic Sponsoring – Mike Dillard

Success and Motivation
The Art of Exceptional Living – Jim Rohn
Building Your Network Marketing Business – Jim Rohn
7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness – Jim Rohn
Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle – Jim Rohn
Mach II With Your Hair On Fire: The Art of Vision & Self Motivation – Richard Bliss Brook
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Dr. Joseph Murphy
Rhinoceros Success – Scott Alexander
Advanced Rhinocerology – Scott Alexander
The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol
The Psychology of Selling – Brian Tracy
Goals! – Brian Tracy
Feel the fear and do it anyway – Susan Jeffers
FIRE UP! – Jan Ruhe
Unlimited Power – Anthony Robbins
Giant Steps – Anthony Robbins
Awaken the Giant Within – Anthony Robbins
See You at the Top – Zig Ziglar
Over the Top – Zig Ziglar
Selling 101 – Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar’s Secrets of Closing the Sale – Zig Ziglar
5 Steps To Successful Selling – Zig Ziglar
Top Performance: How to Develop Excellence in Yourself & Others – Zig Ziglar
How To Win Friends And Influence People – Dale Carnegie
The Leader in You – Dale Carnegie
Leadership 101 – John C. Maxwell
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
Principle Centered Leadership – Stephen R. Covey

Law of Attraction
Think & Grow Rich – Napolean Hill
Attracting Abundance eBook – Carol Look
Prosperity Mind – Randy Gage
Law of Attraction – Michael Losier (book and courses) The courses are AWESOME!
Secrets of A Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Eker
Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
You’ll See It When You Believe It – Wayne W. Dyer
The Power of Intention – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
As A Man Thinketh – by James Allen
The Magic Of Thinking Big – by David Schwartz


I am re-reading Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander. Scott Alexander is the author of 3 books: Rhinoceros Success, Advanced Rhinocerology and Rhinocerotic Relativity. The Rhinoceros Success books are on my list of favorite success books. I read the first one Rhinoceros Success, years ago. I have read all three many times.


The RHINO charges thru life making things happen as opposed to the cow who waits for things to happen. The real secret to success for anyone is, of course, to figuratively become a rhino. You need to wake up tomorrow morning as a romping, stomping, full-grown, six thousand pound rhinoceros, charging toward your goals.

If you aren’t 100% completely satisfied with your life, then get mad and do something about it. Charge!!! You should say to yourself, “I will not be a lazy cow grazing in the pasture day after day! I won’t be one of those students who does nothing, sees nothing, accomplishes nothing and worse off — settles for just doing O.K. I woke up this morning as a rhinoceros! I am going to sacrifice the security and complacency of the pasture and live a rhinoceros life of excitement and adventure in the jungle…” (Alexander, p.14).

Since I first read Rhinoceros Success, I started collecting rhinoceros figurines and pictures for my office. They remind me to act like a rhino and charge full steam ahead towards my goals.

The Rhinoceros Success books had a big impact on me. They are on my recommended reading list.


“I’m doing GREAT and, I am AMAZED that things just keep getting better!” That is the way an old business associate of mine responded when people would ask, “How are you?” I heard him say it many times during the time I was associated with him.

I loved that response so much I started using a similar version of it. When I first heard it I noticed the lift of energy among the group. His greeting effected everyone, including me.

This was a successful network marketing leader who was radiating a great energy. I thought, “WOW, what a powerful response to a greeting we hear many times a day.”

What are the responses people give when you greet them with, How are you?” Most of the time I hear mid to low energy responses. Maybe you’ll recognize a few of these:

“I’m fine”
“I’m OK”
“I’m good”
“Not so good”
“I’m terrible”
“Still among the living!”
“As good as can be expected”
“Still breathing”
“I can’t complain … I’ve tried, but no one listens”
“Fair to middling”

I’m sure you have heard lots of other responses. Some people will even tell you all the horrible things that are going on in their life.

Think about the principles of the Law of Attraction. What kind of abundance vibration or energy do you want to send out. Are those really the kind of responses you want to use when someone asks “How are you?”

What you speak about comes about. Hmmm.

Wouldn’t it be better to have a response like . . .
“I’m just WONDERFUL!”

Your self talk affects your mood. Your mood affects the energy you are radiating. If you are serious about having a growing business, this is really important.

Try using really positive energizing words in your response. Do you want to know a really cool thing that happens when I respond with “I’m just WONDERFUL!” or something similar? My mood lifts a little each time I say it. Not only that but I can see it effecting the person I am talking to. They pause and smile and you can see them wondering what’s up. I have had people follow me around trying to find out why I was so happy.

Remember: To ATTRACT ABUNDANCE you need to vibrate GOOD ENERGY!!


To build a successful full time business with Young Living, it is crucial that you build belief. You need belief not only in yourself and your ability to get there but you also must believe in the network marketing industry.

Here are a few ways to build belief:

    Build Belief in your Young Living Business
    1. Using the Products – You must believe in the products you are offering otherwise, you’ll never be able to recommend the products to other people.

    Let me tell you, a great product experience can work wonders in building belief in your ability to sell it. My product experience is the reason I have built a full time career in Young Living today. Use the products. You’ll have great stories to tell and STORIES SELL!

    2. Attend Events – You should be attending as many Young Living events as you possibly can. Whenever you can get together with other distributors you can learn from each other. Not only learning but energizing each other.

    3. Listen to audios and videos – There are loads of audios and videos put out by Young Living, your upline and other network marketing trainers. Serious network marketers are listening to these trainings as much as possible. The more you listen, the more you will be able to speak up about things that will help other people.

    4. Attend Conference Calls – Listening to and even participating in conference calls is another awesome way to build belief in yourself and Young Living. Conference calls are a great way to learn more and polish up your skills.

    There are a lot of conference calls you can access, especially if you are using any of the training on the internet. It is impossible to be on all of them. Usually these conference calls are recorded so you can listen anytime.

    5. Read Books – I know, you already know reading books is important but I am always amazed how few books people actually read. As Jim Rohn said, “The book you don’t read won’t help.”

    6. Subscribe to Newsletters & Blogs – There are loads of blogs and newsletters that you can benefit from. It is particularly important to subscribe to all upline newsletters you can find. You can learn oil tips and business building ideas that will keep you energized and making progress. They also can give you ideas for things to share with prospects and downline.

    Also subscribe to newsletters and blogs on marketing, personal development, besides things related to Young Living. I also recommend subscribing to industry journals like Network Marketing Times Magazine.

    7. Talk to someone who has done it – Find someone in your upline who has achieved what you are wanting to achieve. Talk to them. Learn what they did to be successful. Not only what they did but notice their mindset.

    8. Affirmations – I have been a firm believer in affirmations for a long time. The words you use have power. You raise or lower your energy and belief by the words you use. You can even program yourself and your habits. You can change things you don’t like.

    Affirmations can be effective in helping reprogram success habits. Add EFT to your affirmations and watch the changes you can make. I never do affirmations without adding some EFT. It’s powerful. Give it a try.

    9. Visualization – See yourself and feel what it feels like to achieve success in network marketing. Spend a little time each day visualizing and getting comfortable with various aspects of your business. Use the visualization tool to help you get the ideas flowing. I recommend watching it every day.

believe-oilDon’t forget to use Young Living oil blends that help put you in the successful emotional state. An example that fits here is Believe oil. Believe oil blend contains Idaho Balsam Fir and Frankincense essential oils that may encourage feelings of strength and faith. As you are able to move past emotional setbacks and barriers, you will be able to reach your true, unlimited potential.

These are just a few things you can do to build belief. Do something each day to build your belief and success mindset.


Lately I have the music from the new Lego Movie rolling around in my head. You have probably been hearing it a lot too. “Everything is Awesome.”

I decided to do a search to see what the words to the song are. The music makes me happy and feel like dancing. When I searched I found a YouTube video so I could hear the words to the full song. The words are very good and just the type of music I like to listen to when I need a motivating mood uplift.

Here are a few words from the song:

feeling-amazingEverything is awesome
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team
Everything is awesome
When we’re living our dream

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side
You and I
Gonna win forever
Let’s party forever

Even when negative things happen:

Have you heard the news everyone’s talking
Life is good ’cause everything’s awesome
Lost my job, there’s a new opportunity
More free time for my awesome community
I feel more awesome than an awesome possum
Dip my body in chocolate frosting
Three years later wash off the frosting
Smelling like a blossom, Everything is awesome
Stepped in mud, got new brown shoes
It’s awesome to win and it’s awesome to lose

Your attitude affects the energy you are radiating when you talk to people and how they react to what you are saying. People will be more inclined to listen to a person who is radiating a happy attracting energy rather than one that is negative.

Your attitude affects your abundance. It affects your motivation. It affects how you work in your business. It affects everything!

Think about the way you greet people. A while back I wrote the article: How Do You Respond When Asked “How Are You?” I have heard all kinds of negative responses varying from “I’m fine” to “Not so good” or even much worse.

I used to say similar negative responses until I realized how powerful our words and feelings are and how much those things affect our success. Now I say something that will be uplifting to the other person but also to me. The words we use either bring us up or down. Every time we say something negative or complain about something, we are reenforcing that negative feeling in us. Even saying “I am fine” is one I like to avoid. I would rather say, “I am awesome.” Or something similar. Try it. Those words lift you up. Saying “I am fine” is sort of neutral. It does nothing to improve things. People say they are fine when they really aren’t feeling fine. Try saying “I am awesome” when you are in a group where you might get asked that question several times. I always find my mood lifting each time I say it.

Your attitude is very important to the amount of success you will have in your Young Living business. The words you use. The way you react to little set backs. The failures and little set backs are learning experiences. In my 17 years with Young Living I have see so many distributors give up because of setbacks, not knowing how to build their business and various other things that boil down to attitude. The only failure is giving up.

Don’t give up!

We are all different in our marketing styles. There are all kinds of ways to succeed in this business, even for people who don’t feel like sales people. Try different things until you find the marketing that fits your style.

I am reminded of Thomas Edison’s famous quote: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Listen to the music, Everything is Awesome” on YouTube.

Don’t give up!
